MSMS Foundation Benefits from MSMSA Basket Auction > Michigan State Medical Society


MSMS Foundation Benefits from MSMSA Basket Auction

by Cindy Ackerman, MSMSA liaison to MSMS and AMA Foundations

At the MSMS Alliance Annual Meeting in April, we were able to raise $2,435.00 for the MSMS Foundation. I presented our contributions to the MSMS Foundation Board at their spring board meeting on May 17th. They were very happy and appreciative!

Every year at our Annual Session, we hold a basket raffle auction to benefit an organization that is doing powerful work for the family of medicine. The last several years MSMS Foundation has been a beneficiary. A very special thank you to MSMS Alliance president elect Lisa Hildorf (Ingham County) for donating her basket three times! Yes, her "All Things Green" basket with personally signed memorabilia from coaches Tom Izzo (basketball) and Mark Dantonio (football) brought in $900!!

All the auction baskets were fabulous this year and our members' generosity in putting them together AND in bidding and buying raffle tickets was unprecedented! We are thrilled to support a great cause.


Posted in: Foundation, Hot Topics

